Arkanoid Games

We have 46 games with Arkanoid.

What are Arkanoid Games?

The category is dedicated to a special type of games, to Arkanoid games and here we will offer you araknoid games with different characters that you loved and we invite you to try every games that we have to offer.

We are more than happy to offer you a new and beautiful online category of games, a new category in which we are sure that you will have a lot of fun. As expected we have more and more new categories to offer , some of them dedicated to characters and some of them dedicated to types of games, but all created especially for you. This new category that we have for you next is only one of the many that we are about to offer to you, only one of the categories in which we are sure that you will have a lot of fun playing with some of your favourite characters. The category is dedicated to a special type of games, to Arkanoid games and here we will offer you araknoid games with different characters that you loved and we invite you to try every games that we have to offer. We will like to talk a little about the games and it’s rules, so we invite you to join us and have a lot of fun. The rules are for those who do not know the game and for those who has forgotten them. The arkanoid game is an arcade game, and it refers to a mothership which is doomed and from this doomed mothership, the player's ship, called the Vaus, must escape. The player controls the Vaus, the a space vessel that acts as the game's paddle who’s role is to prevent a ball from falling from the playing field. The player needs to try to bounce it against a number of bricks and in this way eliminate all of those bricks. The ball striking a brick causes the brick to disappear and once all the bricks have disappeared the level is won and the player will advance in the game. When all the bricks are gone, the player goes to the next level of the game which will be more difficult. There he will have another pattern of bricks that as we already told you will be more difficult that the last and easier than the next one. There are a number of variations bricks that you would have to be hit multiple times to eliminate. Some of the bricks will bring you power-up capsules to enhance you and help you win. The power up sometimes offer a new life, sometimes a bigger bal, or more balls, laser and so on. There are also some bad power-ups that you should avoid, those that are ment to kill you, to shrink your ball and so on. Even if some of the games do not have these power ups, the gameplay remains the same, you have to eliminate all the briks and make sure you bounce the ball and do not lose it. Playing Arkanoid improves players' hand-eye coordination and strategic thinking skills. You can play Arkanoid to have fun while learning useful skills needed in school and life. We are sure that you will have fun playing all the games that we have to offer especially for you in in this new category, so join us and have a lot of fun, here on!

The games from Arkanoid category was voted by 110 times and have 4.77 stars.