Hair Salon Cleaning

Added in 28.04.2016, played 1371 times, voted 2 times

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What is Hair Salon Cleaning?

Hello there dearest friends, we hope that you are having a great time by now, and we would really like you to continue to join us in all the following games that we have prepared for you today, because with us, every day is a fun day, and you should already know this, since you've been playing our games for a while now. The next game that we have prepared for you is called Hair Salon Cleaning, and it's a really beautiful game, specially uploaded for our girl fans. Working in a hair salon can be quite messy, and if you have lots of clients, you can be overwhelmed pretty easily. Today, it's time for a total cleaning in this beautiful hair salon, because it looks terrible, and only you girls can actually do something about it. Clean up the hair salon before the clients are about to come. Move fast and finish the whole clean up process. Enjoy!

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