Mermaid Breakfast

Added in 08.08.2017, played 931 times, voted 1 times

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What is Mermaid Breakfast?

Well this right here is a game which you kids really shouldn't miss out becuse, as you can see, you get to play with a real girl mermaid who is very happy to be here and to play with you, but the fact is that she is not actually a magical creature. She just works at a bistro which is called Mermaid Breakfast and she has to have dresses or skirts that look like the tail of a mermaid , which is a lot of fun bcause she and the other waitresses look very beautiful. In this game you have to dress her up, don't forget the mermaid tail, you really have a lot of options from which you can choose, and then you can also select the kind of breakfast she is holding in her hand which is nice and fun. Good luck!

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How to play

Use the MOUSE

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