Fierce Shot

Added in 29.04.2023, played 498 times, voted 1 times

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What is Fierce Shot?

Are you looking for a new football/soccer game? Then you are in the right place because you have just found the perfect game for today’s playtime. This new game is called “Fierce Shot” and it is the best new football shooting game that you will find online and for free and you can also develop your goal skills.
If you want to find out more things about this game, then you can follow along and read the next part of the text as well, in order to play this game like a pro. But if you feel prepared and you are ready to start this game, then press the play button right now and have some great time with it!
If you play on PC you will only have to use the mouse to shoot the ball in the net and if you play on a touchscreen device, then only your fingers. You will swipe on the screen to aim and shoot your ball into the net and the goal is to score as many goals as you can. Also, try to score more than the other team before the time runs out.
The other team can defend your shots and even counterattack. By scoring more than the other team, you will win a match and you can advance to the next one, so make sure that you give your best to go through all the matches until you will the whole tournament.
Now that you have found out how to play this game, you can start to play it right now and to have a lot of fun with it. I wish you all good luck for this game, I hope you will have a great playtime! You can also share with some friends and give this game a like if you had fun with it.

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How to play

Use the mouse

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