Temple of Knowledge 3

Added in 12.11.2015, played 1486 times, voted 1 times

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What is Temple of Knowledge 3?

We want that our fans have the best time whenever they decide to come join us in these fun games that we bring you, and in order to be that way, we have to upload only the best games for you. Our team always tries all these games, right before we decide they are worth of having them on our site, and today, we invite all of you, kids, who love puzzle games and brain teasers, to try this amazingly fun and new game, Temple of Knowledge 3. This is a puzzle game, with eight different brain teasers, so you could say that it's made out of 8 mini-games. Every mini-game from this game, has a specific brain teaser that you must solve, as fast as you can, so that you get in our top players. If you think that you are ready for these adventures in the temple of knowledge, then you'd better start having fun!

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