ZingZillas Games

We have 7 games with ZingZillas.

What are ZingZillas Games?

The main characters that are in this show are a group of primates named Tang, Zak, Drum and Panzee and they mentored by a guru music knows as Dj Loose to create unique sound especially for ZingZilla.

Are you in for some new categories of games? Well we are happy to offer you our next online category of games, the category dedicated to the characters from the animation known as ZingZillas. Today we have a number of new categories to offer to you and we are happy whenever we can do this. Games-kids.com is always looking for new ways for you to join your time with us, to play new games and to be happy. We try to offer all types of categories with all sorts of games, so that you never get bored. In this new category we will make sure that you get all the necessary details regarding the main characters and the story they have to tell in order to be able to understand the offered games better and enjoy them just as much as we enjoy while creating them and placing their games in it. The animation is a music show who targets preschoolers and kids under 6 years old. The action of this animation is set on a tropical island which has the shape of a monkey. The main characters that are in this show are a group of primates named Tang, Zak, Drum and Panzee and they mentored by a guru music knows as Dj Loose to create unique sound especially for ZingZilla. In each episode of the show they have different guests, musical guests who teach them something new. They take inspiration from all those guests they have and learn a lot of new lessons about music each time. In each episode they will also share with you a new song of theirs with all the ZingZilla tones and lyrics. They are incredibly loves by children all wound the world and we are proud to finally be able to offer you this new and fun online category of games dedicated to the characters from this ZingZilla show . Panzee is a sensitive chimpanzee, always looking to try something new. Tang is the creative one, never afraid to tell his fears and ask for some help and he is an orangutan. Frum is the youngest of them all, with a incredible heart, resembling to a golden lion tamarin. Zak is the positive one, the one with great optimism and always ready to take some risks. He is a gorilla and a very confident one. Come and join your friends in this new and fun online category of games that we have to offer especially for you and enjoy spending as much time with us and your new friends as possible. Games-kids.com is sure that you will have a great time and we promise to keep offering you new categories of games and new friends to make. Enjoy your time and do not forget to like and share us on google and facebook to be among the first to find out our latest news and increase our community. Have fun!!!

The games from ZingZillas category was voted by 10 times and have 5.00 stars.