
Boboiboy Halilintal vs Taufan

  • Date added Boboiboy Halilintal vs Taufan19 Jun 2016
  • Played Boboiboy Halilintal vs Taufan13712
  • No of notes Boboiboy Halilintal vs Taufan240

Play free Boboiboy Halilintal vs Taufan - BoBoiBoy Games

A new day has recently started for you on our site, and we truly hope that you kids are eager to join us in all these great new games that we've recently uploaded for you, on our site, so, let's begin with this amazing games presentation that we have recently added to the categories. Come and join us in this new adventure game with your favorite characters from Boboiboy category, a category which has specially been uploaded for you boys, fans of this interesting and fun character. Today, you will get to meet two other characters, Halilintal and Taufan, as they will be fighting against each other in this adventure game called Boboiboy Halilintal vs Taufan. What you need to do in this game, is to help your friend, Halilintal, win his battle against his powerful opponent, Taufan, using your mouse cursor to take decisions regarding Halilintal's attacks. Good luck!

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How to play

use mouse keys
