Broken Nail Doctor

Added in 20.08.2017, played 1364 times, voted 1 times

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What is Broken Nail Doctor?

In this doctor game right here the girl really needs your help because she is in a lot of pain, as you can see she broke her nail of her big toe and that is really paainful, we don't really know what happened but her nail is broken and it is filled with bacteria and so on so you have to be careful with her , the girl trusts you that you can do a very good job. Even if this is the first doctor game you try out and you don't have any experience, we can promise you that you will do a very good job if you simply pay attention to the instructions, you have a lot of work to do on the nail and you have all the tools int he lower part of the game and when you grab a tool, in the upper part of the game you will see the instructions that will tell you how you have to use the tool to help her. Good luck!

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How to play

Use the MOUSE

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