Blonde Sofia Lips Surgery

Added in 04.07.2023, played 468 times, voted 30 times

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What is Blonde Sofia Lips Surgery?

Here on our website, you girls can meet Blonde Sofia! Today, we are bringing a brand new doctor and surgery game for kids all ages, which we are sure that you will play with all your friends.

This is a brand new doctor challenge, in which the main character of the story is a little girl called Blonde Sofia! She is the main character, and today is in the doctor's office, and you boys and girls will be the doctor. It's going to be your job to be the best doctor for Sofia, and see how fast you can become the best plastic surgeon on the internet.

The game is played using the MOUSE if you are playing on your computer and laptops, but it's also going to be available to be played even on your mobile phones and tablets, where you will just tap on your screen. It's going to be a lot of fun, because kids you will see that Blonde Sofia needs new lips. She is in the doctor's office, and you will have to perform a new consult until going to surgery.

Once you star the surgery, you will have to pick up each tool and see how fast you can perform the surgery. It's not going to be easy, but you have to be a good doctor. Sofia wants bigger lips, and you have to be sure that before the surgery, you can clean the surgery sight and start the procedure.

Sofia has a big infection on her lips! It's bad, and she needs surgery. The doctor is going to have to start to clean the lips by taking out the dirt, cleaning with water and start to stitch big cuts and bruises. It's a lot of fun playing with all of your friends through all the doctor category and surgery category right here on our website. Have fun!


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How to play

Use the MOUSE to play.

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