
Easter Bunny Egg Rush

  • Date added Easter Bunny Egg Rush24 Mar 2016
  • Played Easter Bunny Egg Rush2149
  • No of notes Easter Bunny Egg Rush1

Play free Easter Bunny Egg Rush - Adventure Games

Hello guys, welcome back with us on our site, we are so happy to see that you have decided to join us in this new game that we have prepared for you, another fun Easter game of course, a game in which you will have to help these two cute Easter bunnies run their own business. The cute bunnies have opened up a business for the other farm animals, and they have to serve them food. Given the fact that they are at the beginning of their business, and they have to learn so many things about it, they would really appreciate your help. Every level has a certain given amount of time in which you have to serve food to your farm animals clients. It's very important to serve them exactly what they ask for, as fast as you can, because you have to accomplish a certain goal. Good luck friends and have lots of fun with us today!

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