Like a Boss

Added in 26.09.2016, played 1432 times, voted 2 times

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What is Like a Boss?

What a pleasure it is for us, the admin team of site, to have you guys back with us on our site and have you playing all these fun games in which you're going to do so many cool stuff in which you'll get to meet with all of your friends and beloved cartoon characters. We know that you're also excited to check out on what kind of cool games have we returned with, and we would like to invite you today, in this new fun game called Like a Boss. We know that you're probably wondering what will you have to do, within this new game that we were talking about, well, guess what, this is a beautiful dress up game in which you're going to learn how to dress up a very successful lady, just like Jane is. Jane is a manager of a company, and you girls will get to choose a nice, professional outfit for her, to wear at work today. Enjoy this beautiful dress up game, girls!

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