Ball or Nothing

Added in 09.07.2023, played 295 times, voted 1 times

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What is Ball or Nothing?

Because we know you love adventures and you love trying out all kind of fun and interesting challenges here on our site, this Ball or Nothing is definitely going to be the perfect game for you kids because it is indeed a game in which your mission is to pay attention to each level and to try to get your character to the end of each level. 

When you don't really have a character friend like you have in many other adventure games, because this time you are playing with a little ball, and that we hope sounds like a lot of fun because what you need to do is of course to control the ball in order to get to the finish line. 

There are really a lot of levels waiting for you in this new Ball or Nothing, but what you need to know starting from the beginning of this adventure is that each level is going to be more difficult than the one before and, of course, more challenging than the one before. 

Your mission is to jump over obstacles like spikes or wholes, because you would lose the level and you would need to start over. Another thing you can do to help you out in your quest is to shoot, when you will see the blue obstacles, like blue walls in your way, you can shoot them when the blue meter is filled up, and that will help you pass forward. 

You can also jump longer in the air when you need to pass a bigger crevice, but for all of that you need to really pay attention because the game can be played quickly and you can't make a mistake or you will need to start over. Good luck!

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How to play

use the arrow keys to move around, E and R to dash and shoot.

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