
DIY Rapunzel Ombre Hair

  • Date added DIY Rapunzel Ombre Hair29 Feb 2016
  • Played DIY Rapunzel Ombre Hair2747
  • No of notes DIY Rapunzel Ombre Hair3

Play free DIY Rapunzel Ombre Hair - Rapunzel Games

Today it looks like it's going to be quite a special day for you, girls, because our team has prepared for you so many amazing games in which you will get to have probably the best time of your life. Today is also the day where one of your favorite Disney princesses, Rapunzel, is willing to make a change. We invite you all to try our latest game with princess Rapunzel, DIY Rapunzel Ombre Hair, a game in which you will have to help your friend do some ombre for her hair, but it's not that easy, because you will have to separate the hair and apply the color only on the lower part of her hair, that's what ombre means if you did not know this. When you have done separating the hair, you will have to prepare the color and apply it separately, and frankly, the fact that Rapunzel has such a long and beautiful hair, it's helpful for you. Enjoy this fun game, girls!

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