
Sonic Underground Kingdom

  • Date added Sonic Underground Kingdom17 Jun 2015
  • Played Sonic Underground Kingdom2732
  • No of notes Sonic Underground Kingdom3

Play free Sonic Underground Kingdom - Sonic Games

We would like to offer to you only the best games, and we can assure you that on our game site you will find games categories with each and every one of your favorite characters, and remember, stay tight because we're full of surprises. Today we've uploaded the Sonic games category, and we've noticed a positive response from you kids, this means you love this games category, so, we've decided to upload more great games from Sonic's category. Sonic is an amazing hedgehod that can reach the speed of sound, and also, a very loved character among you kids. Today you will play an adventure game with your friend Sonic, a game in which you will have to use your skills and brain, to help your friend get through all the levels. In order to pass each level, you will have to help Sonic get the key to the next level. We hope you'll enjoy this fun game, good luck!

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How to play

Use mouse cursor.
