Animal Mechanicals Games

Animal Mechanicals Games - check all the 1 Games

The show has as main characters Rex, Unicorn, Komodo, Sasquatch and Mouse , a team of friends that join their forces to help those of the neighborhood who need help.

Join us as we have to offer more new and amazing online games and categories. This time we have for you a new and amazing online category of games in which the main characters are your friends from the animation Animal Mechanicals. We are very happy to be able to offer you this new and fun online category of games and to place in it all those amazing games. Our team is here to offer you only the best of the best and we want you to have a lot of fun while exploring everything we have to offer to you. The new and amazing online category of games that we have for you next is one of the most beloved categories, a category in which you are invited to join your friends from the animation Animal Mechanical and enjoy spending the time together. We will be offering you a few details concerning the story of the animation and it’s characters and we invite you to go through those details before stating to play all those amazing games with your friends. The show has as main characters Rex, Unicorn, Komodo, Sasquatch and Mouse , a team of friends that join their forces to help those of the neighborhood who need help. For the team each day is a special challenging day in which they have to help someone and learn something from it. In each one of their adventures, the team make a few mistakes, but they put their hands together and find a solution to those problems as well as learning from them. Each one of them has a special super skill that comes in handy in each one of their missions and their friendship is stronger with every passing day. Rex is a green dinosaur, being strong like a ‘titanium Tyrannosaurus’ . He is the leader of the group in each one of the missions but does not act like that, he treats each one with equality. Unicorn has the ability to fly, she is the only one among the mechanical who cannot walk on two legs. Her horn can blink like a beacon whenever is needed. When needed she also can throw lightning and create whirlwind. Komodo is a red dragon with big squared off spectacles. His ability is to change his tail in various needed tools. He is very intelligent, always able to figure certain things out and find solutions to the problems they have .Sasquatch has the ability to stretch each one of his limbs to incredible length. Mouse is the youngest of the group, having a super speed ability. She is always calming Sasquatch who tends to get nervous or impatient and whenever she is scared, Sasquatch is there to hold her hand and give her courage. You will get to know an incredible team of friends who are there for each other every time, and ready to help everyone from their city. Come and join your new friends in this new category and have a lot of fun on!!!