Crash and Bernstein Games

Crash and Bernstein Games - check all the 2 Games

The category is with the characters from the new Disney serie Crash and Bernstein. Because we know almost all of your favourite characters we try to offer you categories with them and in those categories to offer you all the existing games.

A new series of online games for kids is about to appear! This new category is called Crash and Bernstein games, and you dear kids will manage to meet up with brand new characters from Disney XD and Disney Channel, witch which you can play amazing online games with puppets, human characters, robots and even toys.

This new Disney XD cartoon is going to be a lot of fun for the kids on our website, because it’s created for children all ages, so we are sure that you guys are going to love the entire story, the new Disney characters, and each and every one of the new online Crash and Bernstein games that we are going to start posting for you guys right here on our website. The beginning of the Crash and Bernstein games is in October 8th, 2012 when the very first episode of the Crash and Bernstein sitcom appeared on Disney XD, where you guys can watch the episodes even today, or on the internet.

Even though the Crash and Bernstein games are very interesting to play, you will see that the show is going to be more than funny online games and exciting challenges for children. You will see that the entire Crash and Bernstein games from the show are going to show you guys plenty of exciting moments that kids have with their toys. The entire series is going to be a blend between real life or humans, and toys, puppets and objects that might caught life at some point.

Crash or Bernstein

We already said that this new free online games for children category is going to be based on a fun and exciting Disney XD show called Crash and Bernstein, and you kids can see that inside the Crash and Bernstein games, and the episodes on Disney XD, you will meet with two main characters just like the show’s title reveals from the beginning. The story of the Crash and Bernstein games is exciting, and we are sure that once you get to know it, you will have double the fun playing our free online Crash and Bernstein games for children. In the beginning of the show, you will learn that one of the main characters of the Crash and Bernstein games is going to be Wyatt Bernstein, a little boy who lives in Portland, Oregon with his family.

Wyatt is 12-years-old, and he lives in a small house in Portland, Oregon, but he will not be alone. He will be with his mom Mel and his three sisters, Cleo, Jasmine and Amanda. The story starts on the day of his 12th birthday, when Wyatt is taken by his mom to a store in Portland called Build-A-Bestie, where every kid can build a new stuff toy that can become his best friend. Wyatt is going to build such a toy, and is going to name the puppet Crash. Wyatt always wanted to have a brother to play with, and so Crash is the new addition to the family that he ever wanted.

Nothing out of the ordinary until now, a boy builds a toy for his birthday and they go home very happy together. But, Crash is now Wyatt’s brother, so they are going to create a new team together so that they will be against Wyatt’s sisters, which are always picking on him because he is smaller, and he was the only boy in the house until Wyatt came along. Even though they are fighting a lot, like any other brother-sister scenario, the family is very united, and if where anything to happen to Wyatt, his sisters will be right by his side without hesitation, which is one of the morals of the Disney XD story of Crash and Bernstein, to always love each other even though you might not always get along.

Be one of the brothers

Crash and Bernstein updated their relationship very fast, becoming from toy-owner to brothers very fast, and you will see how much fun you will have together playing all of their new online Crash and Bernstein games. You will see that our new Disney games category is going to be filled with your favorite characters, and there will be games just like the Jump the Shark game online, in which you are going to meet with more than Crash and Bernstein in one game! Inside this new Disney challenge which you can find inside the Crash and Bernstein games as well, you will see that Phineas and Ferb or plenty of other Disney characters will be present, and you can choose any avatar you like to play with, and make sure that you are careful enough to have the highest score in each level you start playing.

There are a lot of exciting challenges waiting for you guys, such as the Crash and Bernstein Soundbar game, in which you will be musician. All the Crash and Bernstein games are cool, but this is going to be unique. The two main characters of this Disney story love music, and you dear kids can create music with them using the MOUSE! You will see that each level can create a new song or music, so you have to use the MOUSE and start to click the keyboards in order to create special sounds, and so you will have the best Disney music available online.

The new Crash and Bernstein games will be very exciting, and these are just two examples of the Disney challenges waiting for you guys to play. We are sure that there will be more fun games for kids with Crash and Bernstein that you would like to play, such as the Crash and Bernball, in which you will be playing a different version of dodgeball! Sports are important, and Crash and Bernstein games will give you that through the Crash and Bernball game online, in which you have to use the MOUSE to throw and dodge the ball thrown by other players inside this new challenge.

Where can we watch Crash and Bernstein?

This show can be watched on Disney XD.

When did the show appear?

The first episode of the show appeared in 2012.

How many seasons of Crash and Bernstein are there?

There are two seasons made on Disney XD.

Is Crash human?

No, Crash is a puppet created by Wyatt.

How old is Bernstein?

Wyatt Bernstein is 12-years-old.