Daniel Tiger Neighbourhood Games

Daniel Tiger Neighbourhood Games - check all the 11 Games

The whole series centers around the son of Daniel Striped Tiger who played on Mister Roger’s Neighbourhood. His son is also named Daniel and is a very curious and adventure loving boy who wants to become just like his father. He and his friends go in fun adventures together, get in trouble and than work their heads to get out of it together and learn more and more about the power of friendship.

What do you say about another new and amazing online category of games? Well the administrative team of games-kids.com has decided to offer to you a number of new and amazing online categories with even more new games and friends for you. As you see we are more than just a regular website with free games for boys and girls, we are a community in which we like to gather more and more visitors/members and see them enjoying their time with us. As we have once told you, we are a universe a games that are dedicated to all of your favourite characters and all those games have special categories for you to be able to find them more easily than ever. This time the administrative team of the games-kids.com world has decided to offer you the new category which is dedicated to a animated series, a series in which you will have a lot of fun friends that you will love. So get ready for your friends from the series Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood and the games that it will offer to you. We have promised to try and offer you more and more new and amazing online games and we really hope that you will have a lot of fun while playing them. Here in this new category we will also offer you a short description of the characters and their part in the series, so that you can have the best experience ever, while you are with us. The whole series centers around the son of Daniel Striped Tiger who played on Mister Roger’s Neighbourhood. His son is also named Daniel and is a very curious and adventure loving boy who wants to become just like his father. He and his friends go in fun adventures together, get in trouble and than work their heads to get out of it together and learn more and more about the power of friendship. His friends are Katerina Kittycat, Miss Elaina, O the Owl and Prince Wendnesday. Daniel and his group of friends are always looking for the most amazing adventures and sometimes they deal with anger , sadness , happiness and so on, each time having to learn a valuable life lesson and how to appreciate each other even more. We would love to offer you as many games with your friends from this series and we can, so we invite you to explore the category, try each one of the games and if you like, leave a comment with your opitions. Daniel and his friends are eager for you to join them in this new category and to spend as much time together as possible. We are sure that you will enjoy your time, so join us and do not forget to also try all the other categories that we have for you and make new friends. Enjoy your time on games-kids.com!!!!