Drake and Josh Games

Drake and Josh Games - check all the 7 Games

The administrative team of games-kids.com is as always extremely happy that you are by our side, spending your time with us. This time the new category that we have decided to offer to you next is dedicated to the characters from the nickelodeon known as Drake and Josh.

It us move further and bring you another new and fun online category a new category in which we would like you to join us and to spend the time together. The administrative team of games-kids.com is as always extremely happy that you are by our side, spending your time with us. This time the new category that we have decided to offer to you next is dedicated to the characters from the nickelodeon known as Drake and Josh. We know that you love to play some of the best online games and that you are always looking to meet new characters and play the games they have to offer. Here in this new category we plan to offer you all the existing games with your friends, games in which we are sure that you will have a lot of fun, while spending the time on our website. Today we want to offer you a new and fun online category, but this category also comes with a few details about the characters and the story of this series. The serie shows us the life of two teenage boys who become step brothers. Their names are Drake Parker and Josh Nichols both of them having opposite personalities, the two of them find a way to becoming best friends and go through a lot together, almost every time getting in trouble and figure a way out of it together. Drake is the popular type of guy, a musician who is loved by his school mates, but also a immature teenager and sometimes even arrogant because of his popularity. All the girls want to date him, and he seems to enjoy this popularity a lot. Josh is exactly the opposite of Drake, having problems with finding a date and even with popularity and he is the type that goes unnoticed on the hallway. Athe beginning the two of them did not get along, but as the time passes both of them change. Josh loses weight and even gets more popular while Drake starts thinking more mature and care about others, especially his step brother whom he helps each time he has a chance. Drake’s musical talents help him a lot with his popularity and also with his success at girls, her is good with his voice, playing drums guitar and many other, being able to perform more than one musical type. In the beginning Jake was embaressed with his stepbrother and wanted to keep distance from him especially at school, but in time all these changes and they become good friends. Have we made you curious? Do you want to learn more about them? Than join us in the games that this fun online category has to offer and enjoy the time with us, here on games-kids.com the website were all the fun starts with your by our side!