Goldie and Bear Playing Puzzle
22 Apr 2016
Play free Goldie and Bear Playing Puzzle - Goldie and Bear Games
We are very sure you are going to appreciate this little game right here on our site and we are very happy to offer it to you because our job is to keep you happy with the most fantastic games ever, and this game right here with Goldie and Bear is a really cute one, we know you love them and therefore you will surely enjoy this game too. The two characters are very happy to be here and you will see in the puzzle, once you access the game, that they are not the only two ones in the picture, you will also have the chance to meet one other friend of Goldie's, so this really is a special puzzle. It is not very easy, but is not very difficult either and we are sure you will just love it and that makes us happy. Good luck!
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How to play
Use the MOUSE.