
Tower Coin Coin

  • Date added Tower Coin Coin24 Apr 2018
  • Played Tower Coin Coin1160
  • No of notes Tower Coin Coin1

Play free Tower Coin Coin - Puzzle Games

Because we want to make sure that all of you, visitors of our site, have a good time here on our site, we are more than happy to offer you the chance to play this Tower Coin Coin new puzzle which is clearly different than the usual games you get to play here and we hope you will be curious about it. As you can see, this Tower Coin Coin game is on in which you are a little soldier and your mission is to collect all the treasure, you have to make towers from the coins in each level. You have to pick up a coin and then drag it across the screen to the other coins of the same colour and they will disappear when you release the mouse. But you have to be careful not to touch the other coins of different colours. Good luck!

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How to play

use the mouse
