Madness Deathwish

Added in 18.10.2023, played 299 times, voted 1 times

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What is Madness Deathwish?

Prepare for an exciting dive into the dark and thrilling world of "Madness Deathwish," an all-new online point-and-click action game that hands you the power to orchestrate the demise of countless grunts. It's a task typically reserved for the enigmatic protagonist, Hank, in the animated series, but now, you have the chance to step into his shoes, or rather, grasp his weapons, as you take control and decide the fate of these minions. 

Your mission is simple: make the deathwish of these grunts a reality. Upon pressing the play button, you'll find yourself facing a group of grunts, and among them is one rebellious soul, destined to unleash mayhem upon the others. Now, it's your turn to decide the method of their demise. You'll be presented with a captivating array of weapons, each ready to carry out your sinister wishes: Bat, Pistol, Machine gun, Nail gun, Sword, Blood god powers, A mysterious question mark that promises unexpected outcomes.

Your role is to pick one of these instruments of destruction and watch the scene unfold, each choice offering a distinct and exhilarating outcome. We strongly recommend exploring all the weapon options, one after another, until you've exhausted every possibility and fulfilled all your dark desires within this immersive game.

As you embark on this twisted journey, rest assured that it's not only easy but immensely entertaining. It's a thrilling experience that allows you to indulge your curiosity, experimenting with various ways to dispatch the grunts, all in the name of chaos and entertainment.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive headfirst into the world of "Madness Deathwish" and see what deadly scenarios you can conjure up. Join us for this darkly captivating escapade, and be sure to stick around for a wealth of more thrilling games that await you in our gaming repertoire. Your desires for riveting experiences are our command!

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How to play

Use the mouse.

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