Anna Hospital Cleaning
21 Jan 2016
Play free Anna Hospital Cleaning - Frozen Games
Did you girls know that one of your beloved Disney princesses, Anna, from the Frozen series, has finally decided to follow her vocation in life, or at least the one she thinks she has, and that is being a nurse? Well, today, you girls are going to be working with her, into one of her shifts, as she has lots of work to do and she would definitely accept and actually appreciate your help. What you need to do, in this amazing game, is to help Anna clean the hospital rooms. The hospital is all a mess, and you and Anna will have to take every item and put it in its place. The trash needs to be thrown in the bins, the doctors objects placed in the right spots and so on. You will have to clean this hospital, because it will host a lot of patients for the future, and Anna has to please her boss by cleaning everything up. Good luck, girls, and please share this game with your friends!
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