Hello Neighbor Games

Hello Neighbor Games - check all the 2 Games

A new series of Hello Neighbor games are ready for children to play for free! You will see how you will solve puzzles to escape from dungeons, look at pictures for differences and find hidden objects in order to finish a new challenge and earn points.

There are a lot of new stories available for boys and girls! One of them is Hello Neighbor, and today dear kids we are going to start presenting for you guys the new Hello Neighbor games category, which appears here on our website based on a very popular video game franchise, which is going to be a surviving horror story, so be very careful, because the story and all the new Hello Neighbor games online could be a little bit scary, so that you know what it could be expected in this new series of free online games for children.

The first time the Hello Neighbor games were available for children around the world was in 2016, but the game was not 100% released, and in 2017 it was sent live fully on Microsoft Windows - which means it was available to be played online on computers or laptops which runned on Windows, and on Xbox One on December 8 - 2017. Sony with the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android followed on july 2018, when the Hello Neighbor games were already very popular among gamers all over the world. The original Hello Neighbor story is going to have the main character, which will also be your avatar inside the game, and his name is Nicky Roth, which is very suspicious of his surroundings, and so he is going to start by investigating his neighborhood, in specific, his next door neighbor, Theodore Peterson.

This is just a fast sum up of the Hello Neighbor games that you are going to start playing here on our website! Are you curious already? We are sure that you will love the new Hello Neighbor games that we are going to start posting here on our website, because these games are going to be creepy, scary and they will have a Halloween vibe all round, which we know that you all love. This new category is not going to be for a specific gender, because boys or girls can both play the Hello Neighbor games, and this could be a good way to see which gender is more careful and has a good eye for detail, because being a detective game, the plot and the success of the game will rely 100% on small details that you have to catch up while you play.

All the children that want to play Hello Neighbor games online for free can see that our website is the perfect place because we have them all grouped inside this new category. They are easy to be found, all you have to do is to write Hello Neighbor games, free Hello Neighbor games, online Hello Neighbor games, new Hello Neighbor games, Hello Neighbor games on phones, Hello Neighbor games on tablets on Google, and click the games-kids.com link, and you will be redirected straight to our new category, where you will have a list of all the Hello Neighbor games!

The creepy neighbor

How does this story start? It doesn't take much to create a good horror story, and it all started with the main character, Nicky Roth from the Hello Neighbor games, which was chasing his ball down the street while playing with his friends, and he hears a scream from one of his neighbors' house. The neighbor is going to be Theodore Peterson, and Nicky will go and try to investigate what's the sound about, when he sees his neighbor while he was keeping a person prisoner in his basement. The main character of the story, Nicky is a brave boy so he wants to know that's the problem inside his neighbors' house, so he manages to steal the key from the house, manages to sneak in the basement and finds out that he has a full on dungeon in the basement, but does not find any people trapped that he could have released.

This is just the first part of the story, and the beginning of the game as you will soon learn. Nicky manages to sneak in the house, but he is trapped by Mr. Peterson and is locked himself in the dungeon, which is the beginning of part 2 of the Hello Neighbor games. It takes a while for Nicky to escape his cage and to get out of Mr. Petersons house, but he sees that he cannot get home that easily, because his neighbor build a big and strong fence around his property. The challenges starts for the player, and you will see that Nicky will have to solve puzzles, riddles and little ability games in order to find clues, keys and maps which will help him to escape the property where he is trapped.

The challenge of the game seems very easy, but you will see that once Nicky manages to escape his neighbor's property, he is going to relive the scary experience of being trapped over and over again, and each experience will be another level of the video game that you are playing. It's very difficult for Nicky to be trapped over and over in the same nightmare, and you will see that you will have to help him get pass each level without losing once, because each time you don't win the challenge, Nickey will relive the experience, will be more frightened, but at the same time, he will learn more about Mr. Peterson's past. As further you get in the Hello Neighbor games, you will learn more and more about the neighbor's backstory, and you will learn what made him have a dungeon in his basement.

Winning more and more levels of the Hello Neighbor games, you will soon learn that Mr. Peterson was a regular person, who had a happy family, but that nice story ended in a cruel way, because his wife and daughter were killed. They each died in an accident, and that started to make him fear the outside world, and he was left only with his son in the world, and trying to protect him from further accidents and having the same output, he build the dungeon and kept his son in the basement so that he remains alive and for them to have more time together.

Hello Neighbor once again

After Nickey was all grown up, he lived for some years far away from his family home, but one day the main character returned home, and that makes the game start once again, and Nicky manages to find a creepy scene again. Not only his house, but the entire town will be damaged and destroyed. His neighbors' house is crumbled, and he is very curious what happened, and he once again steps on the cursed property, where he finds out that he was watched by a ghost-like creature which will be called the Thing inside the Hello Neighbor video game online. Nicky starts again to have the surreal experiences while he is sleeping, and that leads to new levels of the Hello Neighbor games.

Once you start playing each and every one of the Hello Neighbor games, you will see how interesting, interactive and exciting they can be even if they are scary. You will have to help and guide Nicky at each and every one of the steps that he makes inside the game, because each thing or each action that you make through the levels could lead you to a different outcome. It's very important to be curious, and that's the maine thing that the Hello Neighbor games are trying to teach children all ages. You will see that starting from today, you can start playing these challenges even here on our website if you don't have a gaming console like a PS4 or Xbox.

Is Hello Neighbor kid friendly?

Yes, but there are plenty of scary scenes and tension throughout the game.

Is Hello Neighbor only on gaming consoles?

No, this game is available for free online on -> games-kids.com.

Who is the main character of the story?

Nicky Roth is the avatar and main character of the story.

Is there a villain in the Hello Neighbor story?

Yes, Nicky's next door neighbor, Mr. Peterson.

Can we play Hello Neighbor games on phones?

Yes, the Hello Neighbor free online games on games-kids.com are available on phones and ipads.