Regal Academy Games

Regal Academy Games - check all the 8 Games

This time the new category that we have in mind for you is dedicated to the serie known as Regal Academy, a serie that is about to be launched and in which we are sure that you will have fun.

Today we have prepared another new and fun category for you, our dearest friends. As we have promised, we try to bring you as many new characters and we try to offer each one of them a special category were their games to be placed. Our number of categories and games are increasing as the days goes by and we are extremely happy that you have decided to join us in each on this days and play the games that we have to offer especially for you. This new and fun category of games that we have for you next is dedicated to an upcoming serie where you will have all the exsiting games with it’s characters. Every time we learn about a category we rush to offer it to you especially because we know that you will enjoy playing the games it will offer you. Trying to offer you each day new games is asking for us to search for new games without stopping in order for you to have them all and have fun while you play them. This time the new category that we have in mind for you is dedicated to the serie known as Regal Academy, a serie that is about to be launched and in which we are sure that you will have fun. The serie will be released in the beginning of 2016 and until then we invite you to read a few about the story of this spectacular serie and it’s characaters and play the games they have to offer. Those who made this serie, are the creators of the most beautiful fairy serie on nickelodeon, Winx. In this serie the heroes from your favorite fairy tales will join forces and build a school which they will call, Regal Academy. Here at this school , will come to life new teenagers sons and daughters of different kings and queens , studying at the royal academy, were they will learn everything they need to know in order to act royal and become rulers of their kingdoms when the right time comes. In this serie the main character is Rose Cinderella , a girl from earth, a perfectly normal teenager, so she knew. One day her entire life changes when she learn that she is part from a fairy tale family and that her journey is only about to begin, taking her into the world of fairty tales, where she will become a student and Regal Academy. There she will make a lot of friend and face a lot of challenges, meanwille learning about her new life and how to adapt to it. She and her friends will have to learn how to stop the fairy tale villain that were once banished from Earth because of the thigs they did and now looking for a way to return and bring even more evil to the earth inhabitants. In this serie we will guarantee that you will fell in love with the characters and that you will laught a lot with them. Until then you are invited to join us and play the games this new category has to offer especially for you. Try each game and feel free to leave your opinion in the comment box. Enjoy the Regal Academy universe!