Soy Frankie Games

Soy Frankie Games - check all the 7 Games

The story of this series show the adventures and the very day life of a teenage girl named Frankie ,a teenager robot girls who was designed to look and act juts like a real human being, like a human girl.

Come and join us for another new category of games. Some of you know some of you do not know yet, but our administrative team is trying to offer you more and more amazing online games so that you can experience a fun time visiting our website. Here in this new and fun online category of games you are invited to join us and to get to know new and loved characters. The days go by and you see our website offering you more and more new and fun online categories and all of them are dedicated especially for you. Here in this new and fun online category you get to play games with the characters from the series known as Yo Soy Frankie ( I am Frankie) . The series has become very famous and loved and we have decided that it is a perfect time to also offer it to you and place in it all the existing games with the characters from the series. We will also offer you a few details about the series and it’s characters for those of you who have not heard of it yet. We are hoping that you will enjoy playing all the fun games that are offered especially for you and we invite you to spend as more time with the characters and play the fun games they have for you. The story of this series show the adventures and the very day life of a teenage girl named Frankie ,a teenager robot girls who was designed to look and act juts like a real human being, like a human girl. Sofia , a ingenious scientist and master mind at robotics is working for years on a new robot that has the name of Fr4nk13, a robot who is a massive success and who gets the name of Franky Andrade and is sent to go to school and live side by side with human being. She plays as the daughter of Sofia and she has a sister named Clara, who is actually a human and the true daughter of Sofia . Trying to act like a human being will be a extremely hard mission for Frankie who will be constantly investigated by a very intelligent girl named Tamara who is sure that something is off about her. Frankie will get to make a lot of friends and do just fine as a teenager girl except of course that she has to keep her true nature a secret. With the help of her friends, Frankie will manage to get over all the problems she encounters and adapt to a human world. Even if she is a robot, Frankie is always keen on helping others when they need help , and because she is so simple and with a good heart, one of her friends, Christian Leon fell in love with her, which is exactly the reason why Tamara hates her, as she is also in love with Christian but he does not even notice that. The action of the series is a amazing comedy and romance mix in which you will have a lot of fun. You get to see Frankie adapting to her human world and keeping her secret from everyone as well as learning more and more new human things as the days go by . Enjoy this new and fun online category with the characters from Yo Soy Frankie!!!