Vampirina Games

We have 20 games with Vampirina.

What are Vampirina Games?

The story of the series is centered around a family of vampires who immigrate from Transylvania to Pennsylvania. The action takes place in the urban world, with crowded street , lots of apartment buildings and traffic. The main character of the series is the youngest member of the family, Vampirina, Vee for short.

We are back and ready to offer you some new and awesome categories of games with new characters for you to play with. We know that you love to play all of our games and we want you to enjoy even more, so we have decided to offer you more new categories of games , which will bring you even more new and fun games. Here in this new and fun online category of games you will have fun while playing the newest games with the characters from the series known as Vampirina. We are constantly searching for new categories for you and this is one of the newest that we have found. All the created categories are for you to be able to find much easier all your favourite games with some of the most beloved characters. This new category with the characters from Vampirina, will also bring you a few details about the story of the animated series and it’s main characters. These details are offered for those who have not yet heard of the series and who are eager to find some more details before starting to play the games that are offered. The series is set to air only in 2017 but we have decided to offer you a category of games dedicated to the series. The story of the series is centered around a family of vampires who immigrate from Transylvania to Pennsylvania. The action takes place in the urban world, with crowded street , lots of apartment buildings and traffic. The main character of the series is the youngest member of the family, Vampirina, Vee for short. Vampirina is a little girl who has to struggle with her being a vampire. Her dream is to become a ballerina and she needs to find a class that will be held after sunset and to work even harder since she cannot see herself in a mirror and perfect her ballerina moves. Vampirina is a very weird little girl for the humans, but for her family and her world she is very normal. The little girls is 400 years old and has a lot of friends such as ghosts of gargoyle. You will see in the series everything you love about Halloween, a series with a lot of fun adventures and action, well chosen for kids all around the world. You will also get to know some of the friends while playing all the amazing games that this category will have to offer especially for you. Until the series will air we invite you to play all the fun games that we have to offer with the characters from the animated series known as Vampirina. Come and join and do not forget to explore everything else we have to offer , from the most amazing games, to the most searched and loves characters and categories. Like and Share us on Facebook and Google and support us into becoming the favourite website for kids all around the world!

The games from Vampirina category was voted by 46 times and have 4.65 stars.