Brave Games

Brave Games - check all the 266 Games

Brave is a Disney story with Merida as the main character. A different type of Disney princess, one that loves hunting and shooting her bow and arrow.

Everyone loves a cool Disney story, and so today you will find the new Brave games category! This is a very exciting Disney movie that first appeared in 2012, and it's a computer-animated fantasy movie which was produced by Pixar and Walt Disney Pictures. The main character of the story is going to be one of the cutest Disney princesses, being a scottish Disney princess a little bit atypical, because she is not going to be one of the girls with beautiful dresses, good manners, perfect manicure and always having a perfect hairstyle. The main character of the Brave story is going to be quite the opposite, being one of the strongest girls in any Disney story.

Merida is the name of the main character inside the Brave story! She is going to be the daughter of a king and queen from Scotland, and their name will be DunBroch, and you will soon learn how different than any Disney princess she is going to be. Her mother was changed through a curse into a bear, and so Merida found it upon herself to find a way to break the curse and save her mother of a lifetime of living as a bear, and try to save the kingdom at the same time. Merida is very brave, hence the name of the movie and the entire story created by Pixar and Disney.

The movie appeared in June 10, 2012 in America, but because it was very popular and because it won many plenty of awards, and after that it was launched world wide so that all the kids around the world could watch and love the Brave movie, with Merida as the main star. There will be a lot of challenges ready for you to try inside his new category, and we are sure that you will love each and every one of them, because, you will see how Merida is going to prepare awesome adventures, in which you will go hunting, you will shoot her bow and arrow and even run through the woods to catch villains and witches. Ultimately, she is still a Disney princess, so you will see that she is going to be ready with cute little challenges that you can play together of course, and even some 2 player adventure games that you can play with a partner!

We are sure that you will have a great time playing inside this new category, because dear kids the games are going to be free first of all! These games are available to be played even on your mobile phones, computers, tablets or laptops, and all you will need is courage, and an internet connection to access our website and start to find your favorite type of game with Merida from the Brave movie.

Merida is Brave

We already told you guys that Merida is the main character of the story and that she comes from the rulling family of Medieval Scotland, the Dunbroch clan, and she was given a bow and arrow by her father since she was little. At six, Merida got for her birthday her very first bow and arrow from king Fergus, and since then, she trained hard, learned how to become better and better, and how to have a perfect aim while standing, while riding a horse or if running on foot through the woods, and you will soon learn that she rarely misses her target no matter the size. Merida, in one of her adventures into the woods meets with a will-o-the-wisp, which is a kind of ghost, and soon after that, the royal family is attacked by a demon bear, an attack which Merida manages to avoid by running with her horse Elinor, and during that time, Fergus, the king tried to make the demon go away, but the fight cost the king his legs.

When Merida turned 16 years old, she learns that she is to marry a boy that she doesn't know, and that she is already in a fixed marriage, by her father, so that he can consolidate his role as king. The boy will be one of his allie's child, and Elinor will explain that if she is not willing to do it. The king will not give Merida's hand to just anyone, so the Chieftains all around the kingdom with all their first born boys came to the castle, where they will take part in the Highland games, a big tournament with different challenge and activities, and the winner will get the chance to marry Merida! Being stubborn and knowing that she is strong, Merida changed the rules of the tournament right when it was about to start, telling everybody, as being the last born of her own family/clan, she is legible to compete in her behalf and for her own hand.

Everybody took a laugh at her attempt, but nobody anticipated how trained Merida really is, and so she manages to defeat most of her opponents. Because she was about to win the tournament and so no marriage will occur, she got in a huge fight with Elinor and ended up running in the forest. Merida wants to get out of this fixed marriage so bad that she ends up at an old witch, which gives her a cake which should change her faith, but when she gives it to her mother, she transforms into a bear!

Without realising, Merida managed to ruin everything in just a few moments, because when she returned to the castle, her mom is a bear, the witch that turned her is a demon and all of her father's allies are about to start a war with each other because there's no princess to take as a wife after the tournament. Once again, Merida is finding life really hard, and she has to deal with all of these problems just as a teenage girl. She is tough, so she starts looking for the demon and trying to brake the curse before the two days pass and her mom to remain as a bear for her entire life.

Is Brave a disney story?

Yes, is a Disney movie made by Pixar.

Who is the main character of the story?

Merida, the scottish princess.

Why is Merida not an ordinary Disney princess?

Because she wants to be different, she loves to hunt and act like a boy.

What happened to Merida's mom?

She was turned into a bear by an old witch.

Did Merida got married?

No, Merida faught her way in the tournament, and after that runned in the woods.