
Fourarms Smash

  • Date added Fourarms Smash01 Dec 2016
  • Played Fourarms Smash2361
  • No of notes Fourarms Smash2

Play free Fourarms Smash - Ben 10 Games

Right now, has to offer you for you guys so many amazing and interesting adventures, and we truly recommend you to try them all and we really hope that you're as excited as we are about all these adventures and fun games that we've offered to you. This new game we invite you to join in, is the second one within the today's series with Fourarms, a character from the famous cartoons with Ben 10. This new game we've been talking about, Fourarms Smash, is the kind of game you won't be happy to miss it, because you'll definitely going to love it. What you must do, friends, is to keep Fourarms right on track, and make sure he doesn't miss any obstacles on its way, because it's very important to smash all those objects. Use the arrow keys to move Fourarms as he's running, and destroy everything on his way. Good luck!

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How to play

Use ARROW keys
