
Christmas at Central Park

  • Date added Christmas at Central Park19 Dec 2017
  • Played Christmas at Central Park1295
  • No of notes Christmas at Central Park10

Play free Christmas at Central Park - Hidden Objects Games

We think that all the games here on our site should be a lot of fun and we are sure you will enjoy this Christmas at Central Park game right here on our site in which you clearly get to have a very good time with Sharon who is the character in this hidden objects game. We are sure you have played other interesting hidden objects games here on our site but the fact that makes this one right here special is that this is a Christmas hidden objects game and Sharon is in fact in Central Park because she wants to spend her Christmas here, it is a very beautiful time of the year. In every level of this hidden objects game you will find out some more about Sharon's story and of course your mission is to spot and click on all the hidden objects you have to find in that particular level and Sharon will help you. Good luck!

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How to play

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