
Fat Boy Dream

  • Date added Fat Boy Dream26 Feb 2018
  • Played Fat Boy Dream1424
  • No of notes Fat Boy Dream2

Play free Fat Boy Dream - Boys Games

There are a lot of different type of games waiting for you here on our site and we are really happy to give you the chance to play this Fat Boy Dream game which sounds like a lot of fun and we are sure you are really going to have a good time and that is the only thing we are looking for, for you dear kids. This Fat Boy Dream is actually a game in which you are going to play with a fat boy who is living his dream because he is in the world of donuts. Your mission is to bounce from donut to donut and catch as many flying donuts as possible because if the fat boy eats the sweets from this candy world, you will get the points dear kids, but pay attention when you jump from one donut to another because you don't want to fall down and lose. Good luck!

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