
Mysticons Cover of Night

  • Date added Mysticons Cover of Night29 Mar 2018
  • Played Mysticons Cover of Night3100
  • No of notes Mysticons Cover of Night25

Play free Mysticons Cover of Night - Mysticons Games

We are really happy with this brand new adventure game we can offer you, this super fun Mysticons Cover of Night game in which we are sure you are simply going to have the time of your life and that is what we are always seeking for. So come and play this amazing game with the Mysticons characters, this is an advenutre game and you really have to focus. Necrafa, the evil character in the Mysticons story has hidden some evil machines throughout the city and now you have to help your character sneak past the guards and close all these evil machines. The sneaking is the most difficult part in this game because you really have to be careful not to be seen, otherwise the game is over, and you can move only from one hiding place to the other. Good luck!

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How to play

use the arrow keys
