Four In A Row

Added in 15.04.2023, played 419 times, voted 1 times

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What is Four In A Row?

Here is a new puzzle game called “Four In A Row” which is a classic board game that all the circle, the kids and adult, love very much and can’t get tired of these amazing puzzle and board games. So, if you are in for trying it out then don’t hesitate at start to play this game right now!
If you want to find out more things about this game, then you can follow along and read the next part of the text as well, in order to play this game like a pro. But if you feel prepared and you are ready to start this game, then press the play button right now and have some great time with it!
In the main menu of the game you will be able to select whether you want to play in single player mode or 2 player mode. You will use the mouse if you play on PC and the finger if you play on a touchscreen device in order to interact with the board and you can also pick a difficulty level of the game.
If you play in the 2 player mode, you will take turns and one of you will be the red one and the other one the blue one. You will drop the round tiles of your color on the board and the goal will be to put 4 of your round tiles in a row horizontally or vertically and when you do this, you win.
Now that you have found out how to play this game, you can start to enjoy it in today’s playtime. I wish you all good luck for this game and I hope you will have a great playtime with it! If you enjoy the game, you can share it with some good friends as well, so that they can have fun too! Wish you all good luck and so much fun!

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How to play

Use the mouse

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