Human Resistance

Added in 25.10.2023, played 255 times, voted 1 times

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What is Human Resistance?

"Human Resistance" is a super cool game we added to our collection, and it's perfect for a good time. Our team loves finding awesome games like this one to share with you. This game is not just fun but also full of adventure. In this game, you're the hero leading the human resistance against scary monsters. 

Your job is to protect your land from these monsters. To do this, you need to learn a few skills. You'll be using your mouse to move your main character, the general, all around the playing field. As you start the game, you'll face level zero, where a bunch of monsters is waiting for you. Don't worry; your general will fight them automatically when they get close. 

Each time you defeat a monster, you'll earn some coins. These coins are very important because you'll use them to build your defenses. Now, the fun part! You can use your coins to set up defensive towers on the map. You have different options to choose from, like fiery guns and other cool tools. But that's not all. You can also bring in soldiers to help guard your base and fight alongside you.

Your coin collection is like a treasure. With more coins, you can build more defensive towers and recruit more soldiers to join your team. As you play, you'll face even bigger and stronger monster waves. So, it's essential to have a solid defense. Watch out for your castle's health bar. If the monsters damage it too much and the bar drops to zero, you lose. 

Use your skills, make smart choices, and give it your all to protect the human race! You can control your general using either the WASD keys or your mouse. Get ready for an action-packed battle, and let's lead the human resistance to victory. There are more exciting games waiting for you, so don't stop playing now!

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How to play

Use the WASD keys or the mouse.

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