Hamster Apartment Game

Added in 24.04.2024, played 155 times, voted 2 times

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What is Hamster Apartment Game?

Welcome to the wonderful world of "Hamster Apartment Game"! In this fun and exciting game, you get to build your very own town for adorable hamsters to live in. Are you ready to create the ultimate hamster paradise? Let's get started! First things first, you'll need to earn coins to build new apartments for your hamster friends. How do you earn coins, you ask? Well, it's easy! 

Just click on the wooden blocks to break them and reveal shiny coins hidden inside. The more coins you collect, the more apartments you can build. Once you have your apartments ready, it's time to bring in the hamsters! Choose cute and colorful hamsters to move into each apartment. But don't stop there! Make sure to decorate their living spaces with all sorts of cozy furniture and fun amenities. 

Add comfy beds, tasty treats, and even tiny toys to keep your hamsters happy. But the fun doesn't stop there! In Hamster Apartment Game, you can also play mini-games to earn extra coins and rewards. Feed your hamsters delicious snacks, give them baths to keep them clean, and watch them play in their new home. And here's a special tip: don't forget to visit your town every day to collect daily rewards. 

The more you play, the more rewards you'll earn! Plus, you'll get to see how much your hamster town has grown since the last time you visited. With each new addition and upgrade, your hamster town will become even more amazing. Soon, it will be the envy of all the other animals in the neighborhood!

So what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of "Hamster Apartment Game" today and start building the ultimate hamster paradise. Your furry friends are counting on you to make their dreams come true! Have fun guys!

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How to play

Use the mouse.

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