
Aristocats Dinner Serving

  • Date added Aristocats Dinner Serving19 Mar 2016
  • Played Aristocats Dinner Serving3215
  • No of notes Aristocats Dinner Serving1

Play free Aristocats Dinner Serving - Aristocats Games

Come dear kids and check out this new game from the Aristocats category, we really hope you will do because this is an awesome game and you shouldn't miss it because it would be a shame. So come and check out this game and help out the Aristocats, well in fact you are not really helping them out , you have to serve them dinner, which won't be difficult at the beggining but it can become a little bit more difficult as you go forward in the game. So , in the game your mission is to give them dinner, the kitties are going to come and ask for what they want to eat and you have to pay attention to what everyone of the cats ask for because if you give them the wrong meal, they won't take it and of course they won't pay for it, and that would be a shame. Good luck!

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How to play

Use the MOUSE.
