Oddbods Games

Oddbods Games - check all the 4 Games

In this new and fun category that we have decided to offer to you you will get to know a few of the oddbods and we will start with Fuse who is a red Oddbod with a tempered personality, always shouting and grunting when he is in a rough situation. Fuse even has a small tattoo on his right hand.

Will you join us in our newest category of games? Well of course you do! This time games-kids.com has decided to offer you a fun new category that you all have waited for some time now, and we are happy to be able to offer it to you now because we are starting to increase our family of games and categories faster than ever. This new category that we have for you is a very beautiful online category of games in which we are sure that you will have a lot of fun while spending the time with your favorite characters from your most loved series. Slowly you will begin to see how much our website is increasing and you will be able to find all the games that you likes with your beloved characters. This new category that we have to offer to you next for today is a category of games which is dedicated to the characters from the animated series known as Oddbods. Here in this new category we are planning on offering you all the fun existing games with your friends from Oddbods and we hope that you will try each one of them and enjoy your time. Some of you may have not heard of the characters yet and for those of you we are offering some fun details about the story of the series and it’s characters. All these details are offered to you because we want you to have the best experience during your visit on our website. In this new and fun category that we have decided to offer to you you will get to know a few of the oddbods and we will start with Fuse who is a red Oddbod with a tempered personality, always shouting and grunting when he is in a rough situation. Fuse even has a small tattoo on his right hand. Pogo is another one of the main character, a blue Oddbod with a funny personality, always looking to do mischief thigs and get into trouble. She is always after Fuse annoying him. Another oddbot is Jeff, a purple Oddbot who likes to always be nice to everyone and polite, a good mannered Oddbod who will always be there for his friends to help them and have fun together. In this new and fun online category you will get to know all of the Oddbods by playing the fun games that they have to offer especially for you. We are happy when we can offer you fun and amazing online games and that is why we want you to try each game with your friends from this category. Also we are inviting you to bring all your friends along and share with them the whole fun that you can get on our website games-kids.com . You can also like and share us on facebook and google to get notification each time something new is uploaded on our website. Have a lot of fun !!!