Pou Games

Pou Games - check all the 87 Games

This new category that we have decided to offer to you for today is dedicated to a type of game, actualy to a famous game characters, Pou.We have the pleasure to offer to you this new and beautiful catgeory, a new catgeory in which you will have all the existing games with Pou and where you can spend as much time as you want with your friend.

Pou games are some of the most interesting, and they are very popular with kids that love to play on their phones and tablets! Pou games started with the creation of the application called Pou, in which kids all ages and grownups also are going to have to take care of Pou, the main character of the game which needs food, cleaning, to have fun and to sleep in order for him to be happy and feel good.

Each and every one of the Pou games from our website are going to be free to play, and you dear kids will have to make sure that by the end of the challenges, you will manage to take really good care of Pou. At the beginning, you can see that Pou is going to be the a little character, inside some Pou games, you will even see that it’s called baby Pou. He is just a little brown avatar that doesn’t have any hands or legs. Pou just has eyes, eyebrows in some games and a mouth. Now you know how Pou looks, and you know that you can find amazing Pou games or install the Pou application, which started the free online Pou games frenzie! This new category is not going to be just for boys or just for girls, because you will see that the games are going to be very different, so that all kids all ages can find at least one type of Pou games that they like to play.

Take care of Pou

The beginning was very simple. Pou had to be taken cared off throughout the Pou games, and it was a full day type of game, because Pou is going to have different schedules based on his age, just like children do. The Pou games are very interesting, because they are also educational. Pou games can teach children how to take care of a pet without actual having one, but knowing step by step which could be the repercussions if you don’t take good care of a dog or a cat. Pou is the substitute of a cat in your house, and you can have it wherever you are through your phone.

Inside the Pou games, you will see that even the scenarios can be different, and you can choose where Pou is living. Earning points will unlock more and more interesting features for you and Pou. At the beginning of the Pou game, you will see that Pou is just a baby character, and he is 100% dependent of you guys. He is going to need your help to feed him, bathe him, wash him, and put him to sleep. His routine is very important, and in order to have a lot of points and start to buy and unlock stuff, you will need to learn it.

When Pou wakes up, he just like you guys, he is going to be hungry. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you should not miss it, just like Pou. You will get a small notification on your screen when Pou is ready to get up form his sleep, and the next step that you will have to take is to prepare his breakfast. There’s going to be prepared food already inside the app, and you will just have to drag and drop it inside Pou’s mouth so that he can eat. Once Pou is grown up, you will see that the food he is allowed to eat will change.

How does Pou look? When he’s a baby Pou, the character is going to be very small, and the only difference from the original character, is going to be the fact that baby Pou will have a diaper! It will take a while until you can make baby Pou grow and evolve in the default Pou character. It’s going to be a lot of fun, because you will see that special baby food is provided, and you will find special items like baby bottles, milk and special vegetables so that he can grow up faster and stronger.

Playing Pou

If you are playing on your computers or laptops, you will see that Pou is going to still need your help. You can see that the main controls is the MOUSE! Using the MOUSE you will click on objects and you can trigger different actions. When Pou will be hungry, you will have to find a Pou cooking game, and you have to make sure that by the end of the challenge, you will manage to cook the best food for the character. It’s not going to be easy, but you have to make sure that you can cook the best pizza for Pou, the best pasta or the best hamburgers. The cooking games for girls and boys will be very exciting, and you will have to make sure that you can finish the challenges.

Once you get started, you can see that the Pou games from this category are endless. You love sports? Pou has a sports game, in which he is going to play football with all of his friends. Pou football games are very exciting, and they are for boys mostly, but you will see how much fun you can have playing with your friends, and helping Pou score as many goals as possible. Pou can also be a goalkeeper, and he will miraculously grow hands for this task and even have goalkeeper gloves on that you can use.

Pou even has a girlfriend, and there are plenty of Pou love games for girls, in which you can have a great time. Valentines Day theme games are very popular in the Pou games category, and you will be able to have a great time answering love questions, and even finish love tests through our Pou challenges. Have fun!

How does Pou look?

Pou is a cartoon character, that looks like an egg but it's much wider.

What color is Pou?

Pou is brown.

Is there a Pou game online?

Yes, there are plenty of Pou games online.

Is there a Pou baby?

Yes, all Pou games start with baby Pou as the main character.

What's the mission in Pou games?

You have to take care of Pou all day.