Villainous Games

Villainous Games - check all the 1 Games

The Villainous games and the cartoons itself are revolving around the Black Hat Organisation which is in fact an organisation run by villains which helps other villains in their everyday fights againt heroes.

Even though you may be used to playing with superheroes and good guys in the games here on our site, Villainous is a very interesting story about Black Hat, the founder of the Black Hat Org., one of the most powerful villains out there, and his team and their everyday struggles.

The closest characters to Black Hat are Dem, a very powerful young experiment who loves chaos and mischief, 5.0.5 who is a failed experiment bear who turned out to be lovable and full of joy, and one of the most important employees, Dr Flug who is in fact the evil mastermind behind almost all of the experiments.

We know very well that one of the reasons why you love playing here on our site so much is that you get to play with all kind of characters from all kind of fairytale lands and stories and in order for us to be able to do that, we also prepare all kind of games categories for you, because you will see that each type of game, each character and story have a separate category prepared just for them so you kids could easily choose the games you love the most here on our site and play those, or try different ones of your liking all the time.

One of the newest categories we have prepares for you dear kids is the Villainous Games and of course, as always, we hope you already know this family of characters, but if not we are more than ready to tell you all about them so you get to meet them, get to become friends with them and therefore be curious about all the games we have to offer with them and of course that that is very important for us.


Because we want to make sure you have fun all the time with all the games you can try out hee on our site, we want to tell you everything you need to know about the characters you get to meet and play with and about their stories, adn the Villainous Games category is definitely a special one because the story revolves around some villains and that definitely doesn't happen all the time, usually you get to play with the heroes od the story.

Playing with villains can be a lot of fun because they don't like to follow the rules, they are always rebels and you kids can be rebels with them and that definitely sounds like a lot of fun. You will see that, if you don't know that already, villains are everyday chaarcters, they have good and bad in them, they just like to follow the bad side a little bit more.

Black Hat Organisation

In the Villainous cartoons you are going to find out about the Black Hat Organisation, which is a company run by the evil mastermind Black Hat, so of course that he names his organisation after himself.His name, or nickname, is not just coincidentally back hat, because is in fact a symbol of the black-hatted evil cowboys from the western movies which is kinda cool. He is not working alone, he has a team of three villainous aides, which are not so bad because they in fact question their villainous methods sometimes, and in fact what the four of them do and provide as a service at this organisation is to assist other villains to solve their heroic problems, which is actually ironic. The services they provide at Black Hat Org. are actually quite diverse, because they for example sell evil inventions created by Dr. Flug, or simply offer advice to all kinds of villains who are fighting the heroes in their stories and things like that. But it it actually quite funny and ironic that their plans usually tend to go wrong and the brilliant inventions don't work properly, and the reasons are small and often times funny.

Characters of Villainous

As you can tell, almost all of the important characters in the Villainous cartoons and therefore games are villains, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't meet them all. The games are going to be much more fun this way and we can assure you that the villains are not here to be mean with you, they like kids and they love playing in all kind of fun little adventures together with you.

We already talked about him, Black Hat is the most powerful villain in the cartoons and we need to tell you a thing or two about him, we hope you won't fear him being a villain and that you kids are going to be curious to play with Black Hat. He is an ancient and malevolent mastermind, his origins are unknown and even his species, we don't really know if he is from a Planet or other Univers, and therefore he is more than suitable to be the one to run Black Hat Org., of course the company he created.

Black Hat is really powerful and even though you can hear about his powers in the cartoons, you can't really witness all of them, but you can of course find out about some of them in the cartoons, like he can shape-shift, he can teleport and even manipulate space and reality which sounds amazing, he can conjure objects and even open portals to other dimensions, he can make other people go insane when he signs and he doesn't even need to sleep and, believe it or not, he even sometimes travels to other Cartoon Network shows which makes him the most powerful villain ever.

He loves his top-hat, which is of course his signature look and he is very tall with it too, and he carries a walking stick he creates from his own shadow. He also has a pet and what more suitable pet that a snake, his name is Lil Jack.

Dr. Kenning "Flug" Flugslys is another very important character in the cartoons and that is because he is the mastermind who develops all the interesting, evil inventions for the other villains who need the help of Black Hat Org., so it's not a big surprise that he is nerdy and anxious because that is his character. Even though he can seem timid and shy and even respectful, he can be violent and malicious when he needs to be, after all he is a villain too who works at Black Hat Org. One of the most interesting things about him is that he always wears multiple paper bags over his head, nobody knows how he looks like, expect for Black Hat, but that is also just a rumour. He is a young scientist, only 24-25 and he loves playing the violin.

Dem, or Demencia, is another character you need to know about kids because he is the asisstent of Black Hat and he is in fact a very big fan of his. He even has a tracking device which is not a surprising thing, given the fact that the show's characters consist of villains from all kind of strange origins and with all kind of weird quirks. Dem is a girl, but of course not like a human everyday girl, her whole outfit is inspired by reptiles and she has a massive hairstyle, it's very long and it has a neon-green color and when she crunches down, because of her hair, she resembles a lizard and she loves that. Dem is another character of the show who loves chaos and mischief, and that is why she is such a big fan of Black Hat who seems the most powerful villain ever, but Dem herself is very powerful, she has super strength and enhanced senses, and you can even find out about some rumours that she is in fact an experiment.

5.0.5 is another character we need to tell you about because he is in fact one of the Organizations' failed exxperiements and even though he is a very big, blue bear, he is not at all an evil creature, he is very loving and enjoys hugging his friends which is so unlike all the other characters of the show. 5.0.5 sees Dr. Flug as a father figure, even though he is just an experiment, and Dem or Demencia as his sister, but in the show he seems to only be used as the organization's housekeeper and the truth is that Black Hat doesn't treat him very well. Another interesting thing about 5.0.5 is that he has a flower sprouting from his head that reacts to his emotions and it is closed when he is sleeping.

These are the main characters of the show, they are definitely very different form the usual characters you can play with here on our site and of course that we hope this will make you even more curious to play with them.

What is Villainous about?

Villainous is in fact about the Black Hat Org. which is an organisation that helps villains with their everyday lives and struggles against the heroes.

Are all villains bad?

They all have bad and good in them.

How many villains are there?

We can't say an exact number, there are a lot of villains which the Black Hat Org. helps every day.

Who is Black Hat?

Black Hat is the most powerful villain out there and he is the founder or Black Hat Org.

What does the Black Hat Org. do?

It is a company, run by villains itself, that helps other villains in their fights against heroes.

Are there good characters in the show?

Apart from the actual heroes, they all have good sides to them, even the villains, and definitely 5.0.5 who is a failed experiment bear that turned out very lovable.

What is the story of the Villainous games and cartoons?

The story revolves around the Black Hat Organisation, an organization run by villains that helps other villains in their everyday fights against heroes. The main character is Black Hat, the founder of the organization and one of the most powerful villains. He is aided by Dem, a young experiment who loves chaos and mischief; 5.0.5, a failed experiment bear who turned out to be lovable and full of joy; and Dr Flug, the evil mastermind behind almost all of the experiments.

What is the Black Hat Organisation?

The Black Hat Organisation is a company run by the evil mastermind Black Hat. It provides assistance to other villains to solve their heroic problems through the sale of evil inventions created by Dr. Flug and by offering advice to villains fighting heroes in their stories.

Who are the characters in the Villainous games and cartoons?

The main characters in the Villainous games and cartoons are Black Hat, Dem, 5.0.5, and Dr Flug. There are also other villains that the Black Hat Organisation assists.

Why is it fun to play with villains in the Villainous games?

Playing with villains can be a lot of fun because they don't like to follow the rules and are always rebels. This allows players to be rebels with them and have a lot of fun.

How do the plans of the Black Hat Organisation usually go?

The plans of the Black Hat Organisation usually tend to go wrong and the brilliant inventions created by Dr Flug don't work properly. The reasons for this are often small and humorous.