Vroomiz Games

Vroomiz Games - check all the 2 Games

The main characters of this animated series are half-car, half-animal friends known as Vroomiz. The main protagonist is Speeder, the little Cheetah leader of the group and the who is always looking for new and fun adventures every day.

We need you by our side every time and we keep you by our side by offer you the best online games with your favorite characters from your favorite series. Our administrative team has decided that now would the perfect time to offer you another new and beautiful online category of games, a new category in which you are invited to join us and get to meet some new characters. The number of our categories has increased a lot and we are pleased to announce that we will keep offering you new categories and enlarge our family even more. With all the categories offered , come even more new games in which you will get to make new friends. The best experiences will be if you know the characters to whom the categories and games are dedicated and that is why our team is always offering you details about the characters to whom we dedicated the categories in the category description, for you to be able to find out more about your favorite characters and enjoy all the games that they have to offer especially for you. We promise to keep doing so until the end, to keep mentaining our pace and offer you only amazing new and fun games. This new and fun category that we have decided to offer to you next today is dedicated to the characters from the animated series known as Vroomiz. Here we want to offer you every type of game with the main characters and see you enjoying them. The main characters of this animated series are half-car, half-animal friends known as Vroomiz. The main protagonist is Speeder, the little Cheetah leader of the group and the who is always looking for new and fun adventures every day. The characters all live in Zippy City, where they have fun adventures every time, a lot of friends and never get bored. Speeded is the fastest one from the city and he is very proud of himself. He has to race for that title with Spunky, another fast car-animal who wants to become the first as well. Spunky sometimes likes to set traps for Speeder but his plans never succeed as Speeder has a lot of amazing friends who are always there for him, ready to help him with all his problems. When a problem is in Zippy City, your friends are always there to solve it. At the beginning they struggle a little but with every problem they have the learn more and more by working together to find a solution. They have a goal every day, to search for the legendary Dr. Dragoon and they want you to join them in every adventure that they have. Your friends from the Vroomiz series are waiting for you to join them and enjoy spending the time together, here in this new and fun online game that we have the pleasure to offer to you next. Games-kids.com is more than happy to offer you this new category and we promise not to stop here and to bring you more new friends and amazing games. Have fun!