Coco Games

Coco Games - check all the 20 Games

Coco is the story of Miguel, who is the great-grandson of Coco and who is very talented at music and loves it but music is sadly band in his family. The story of Miguel and Coco and his whole family is about family love and forgiveness and you are surely going to have a fun time in the world of the dead in the games, the place where Miguel ends up in the story.

We, the administrative team of the site know how important it is for you kids to have the chance to play all kind of fun and interesting games here on our site because that is the way you make new friends and another way of making new friends here in the games of our site is for you to give you the chance to play newer and newer categories here on and we know that is very important and that is why we try to give you the chance to find out more about all the stories here on our site and this way you can truly have a good time. So this time we are more than happy to offer you this brand new story in a new category, Coco and of course that we are here to tell you more about the story of Coco and mainly her great-grandson Miguel who is in fact the main character of the story and we are sure you will love all the Coco games because they are fun and interesting and all about family because the story of Coco and her whole family is inspired from the very popular holiday in Mexico, The Day of the Dead when the families celebrate their dead relatives so they would never forget about them. The story of Coco and her family is a really interesting one, and everything starts with Imelda who was Coco’s mother and her family, her husband who has a very famous musician left his family for his career and that is why Imelda band music from her life and family and so did Coco. Now Imelda is not in the livings world anymore,but Coco band music from her family too and that is a problem because little Miguel secretly loves music and he would really love to pursue his talent and this is where all the fun starts in the Coco stories and of course that the Coco games will be super interesting too. Miguel find out that his great-great-grandfather was a musician and enters his grave to steal the guitar but of course that the family finds out and they break the guitar and are very disappointed, especially Coco. In a very interesting turn of events, after all we are in the magical world of cartoons, Miguel the little musician boy enters the world of the dead because he was playing with the pictures on the ofrenda. In the world of the dead he makes a new friend , Hector, who wants to help him get back to the world of the living but he needs the blessing of his great-great-grandmother Imelda. It is a very interesting story because even though Miguel thinks at the beginning of it that Ernesto, the very popular and famous singer was his great-great-grandfather, he finds out by the end of the story that actually Ernesto stole all the songs from Hector who was the talented one and who was in fact his great-great-grandfather who actually tried to get back to his family when he was poisoned by Ernesto for his songs. So in the end of the Coco story Miguel manages to get back to the world of the living and the whole family accepts music again because they forgive Hector and everything is good again int heir family. So you can see that the story is a real adventure and of course that the Coco games will be all fun and very interesting, adventures too. Good luck!