
Ice Blast

  • Date added Ice Blast25 May 2016
  • Played Ice Blast1753
  • No of notes Ice Blast1

Play free Ice Blast - Adventure Games

If you love adventure games than we hope you will come to our site because we have some very interesting and adventureous games which are perfect for you, we really are happy to have the chance to offer you so many interesting and beautiful games and this one right here, for example, is a very interesting one which you should really try out and you are going to play with three special girls with all kind of specific powers that need your help in their mission. So the story is that something happened to the planet and now it is a some kind of ice age condition, and the three girls have to do something about it because, for example, some weird crystal icebergs have appeared and they are very dangerous. You have to help the three girls destroy all this mini ice bergs, when you start playing the game will tell you all the details you should know about how the girls fight. Good luck!

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How to play

Use the MOUSE.
