Sandra Learn Housecraft
21 Jul 2016
Play free Sandra Learn Housecraft - Girl Games
Every girl looks up to her mother and tries to learn more good things from her, that's for sure, and today, you girls are going to learn some very special tricks from Sandra's mother. Sandra is a very cute girl, and she just adores her mother, that's why she wanted not only to help her with the house chores, which are quite many, but also, she wanted to learn for herself, for when she will be a mother as well. Come and join her in Sandra Learn Housecraft, and let's learn together some very important house tasks, that you might take care of it daily, when you will grow up, such as laundry washing. There are a few steps that need to be done, whenever you decide to do a house chore, and it's very important for you to know them, so, let's learn together, with Sandra and her mother, who will be next to you the whole game, teaching you all the time about the chores. Enjoy!
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