Genie in a Bottle

Added in 30.09.2016, played 1675 times, voted 3 times

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What is Genie in a Bottle?

Come dear kids and check out this super fun game right here on our site, we know you love dress up games and that is the reason why we always try to give you the chance to play the best games ever and we try to find the most interesting and fun dress up games for girls which we want to offer you, and this one right here is a great one with a Genie. You are actually going to play with a Genie from a bottle and that doesn;t happen everyday so we hope you will be curious to come and play with her because we can promise you that she is very excited to play with you. Your task is pretty clear ,you have to dress up the cute and beautiful genie in the best way possible and you even have some accessorize to offer her. Good luck!

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How to play

Use the MOUSE.

What you think about this game?

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I like it

D3 in 30.09.2016 18:50