
Forgotten Items

  • Date added Forgotten Items16 Dec 2017
  • Played Forgotten Items1509
  • No of notes Forgotten Items1

Play free Forgotten Items - Hidden Objects Games

This Forgotten items game is a simple hidden objects game and nevertheless we are sure you dear kids will be excited to play this brand new hidden objects game here on our site because they always end up to be a lot of fun and in this Forgotten Items game you will actually make a new friend, Donna is a very nice girl who can't wait to play with you in this hidden objects game. She will explain in the beginning of this nice hidden objects game that she needs to clean her family childhood house because now nobody lives there so it is a mess and there are objects and items everywhere and in this hidden objects, beside fun you can also help Donna clean the house and you should pay attention to the story line. Good luck!

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How to play

Use the MOUSE
