Berry at Fruitland

Added in 05.06.2018, played 918 times, voted 1 times

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What is Berry at Fruitland?

If you wan tto have a good time and make new friends, we are more than happy to offer you the chance to play this Berry at Fruitland because you actually get to play with a very cute little girl who is happy to be here and that is also because she knows you are relly going to have a good time together. This Berry at Fruitland is one of the coolest little girl games and that is because you are actually going to play with a berry girl who lives in Fruitland which sounds amazing and all you need to do is be curious enough to try it out because hse needs your help to dress her up in the perfect outfit and we know you can do that if you are creative enough because you have the right clothes. Good luck!

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How to play

use the mouse

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