
Super 4 the Attack of the Giant Squids

  • Date added Super 4 the Attack of the Giant Squids06 Mar 2016
  • Played Super 4 the Attack of the Giant Squids3611
  • No of notes Super 4 the Attack of the Giant Squids3

Play free Super 4 the Attack of the Giant Squids - Super 4 Games

We are so glad to have you back with us on our site, friends, because we have prepared such exciting and adventurous games for the day, as we really want you to join us in all these great games. Recently, we have uploaded this new category, specially for you kids, the one with the Super 4 characters, and today, you and your Super 4 heroes will be on a hard mission. What you will get to do in this game, is quite awesome, you will be a part of the Super 4 team of heroes, and this is amazing. The Super 4 are being attacked by giant squids, and someone needs to stay awake at night and protect the ship from getting destroyed by these squids. You will have to shoot them before they get to your ship and your crew, so, it's a lot of responsibility. Good luck!

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