Shopkins Shoppies Games

We have 37 games with Shopkins Shoppies.

What are Shopkins Shoppies Games?

We are always searching for new games to offer to you and we are sure that you will do a great just fine while playing them and enjoy your time with us. So get ready to know the characters and after that you are invited to join us and play the games that we have for you , here in the category dedicated to Shopkins Shoppies.

We move forward and bring you another new category of games today, this time a category dedicated to the characters from the series Shopkins Shoppies. is trying it’s best to offer you as more new and fun online games as possible and we are sure that you will have a lot of fun while doing it. Here in this new category we will also provide you with a few details about the characters to whom we dedicated it and their story, so that you ca understand better the games and get to know your new friends. As you see , the number of our games is increasing as the days go by and we are more than happy when we can offer you so more new and fun online games. This time the new category bring you fun online games in which the main characters are a few girls, the games are mainly dedicated for girls, but if you as a boy, like to play them, than be our guest, we will be extremely happy. We are always searching for new games to offer to you and we are sure that you will do a great just fine while playing them and enjoy your time with us. So get ready to know the characters and after that you are invited to join us and play the games that we have for you , here in the category dedicated to Shopkins Shoppies. Shopkins Shoppies are dolls, and they got really loved since their release, so that is one of the main reasons why we have decided to offer you a new category with the characters from the doll franchise. Each of the Shoppies have their own unique personality ready for you to meet them and spend some time together. We will give you games with the characters from the series , character such as Donatina, Peppa-Mint, Kessicake, Bubbleisha, Popette, Rainbow ate, Sara Sushi and Pam Cake. Jessicake is a cupcake themed doll and a very beautiful and fun one, she is smart and always well dressed , colourful and sensible . She spends a lot of time with the friends and Coco Cupcake & Cherry Cake at their favourite cafe. Peppa-Mint is a shy girl, who likes to keep all of ther friends really close to her and she is always there to help them. There s nothing that she likes more than a little gossip with her friends in Shopville . Popette is the one who is always after a little fun, who likes to enjoy her time with her friends and laugh a lot. She has a passion for movies, and always shares her latest movie experience with her friends. We are eager to see you playing all the games that we have to offer with the characters from this animated series, so come and join your friends from Shopkins Shoppies and enjoy each game that this new and amazing online category has to offer especially for you. Have fun in this new category!

The games from Shopkins Shoppies category was voted by 271 times and have 4.50 stars.