Head the Ball

Added in 16.11.2023, played 256 times, voted 1 times

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What is Head the Ball?

At our place, we're super excited about soccer games, and we've got a brand-new one we can't wait to share with you! Get ready to play 'Head the Ball,' where you'll be using your head to hit the ball in an awesome move called a header. It's a cool skill that's tricky to master, but boy, is it super rewarding when you get it right!

Are you ready to dive into this exciting game? If you're feeling all set, you can jump right in and start playing! But hey, if you want to get the inside scoop on this game before getting started, just keep reading. We've got all the details to make your gaming experience super smooth and enjoyable.

Join the action-packed fun in our latest online football game! You control your player by clicking on the screen to make them move in the direction you want. Your goal? To head the soccer balls that come down from the top of the screen. Each time you successfully head a ball, you score points! But watch out for the potted plants that also drop down – they're trouble! If they hit you, you lose a life.

Here's the thing: you've got three lives. Lose them all, and sadly, you'll lose the game. But don't worry, keep your eyes on those soccer balls! Aim to head as many as you can and see just how high you can score! Start the fun right here and now! We're wishing you an absolutely fantastic time playing! 

We want every moment to be bursting with fun and excitement. And hey, if you're loving this game, there are loads of others just like it waiting for you to explore! Oh, and here's an idea: why not share these awesome games with your friends? They can join in the fun and have a blast just like you! Let's spread the joy together!

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How to play

Use the mouse.

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