Case Smile Origin

Added in 20.11.2023, played 286 times, voted 2 times

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What is Case Smile Origin?

Step right into the spine-tingling world of "Case Smile Origin", a horror game that's been unleashed in the dead of night just for all you brave fans of online horror adventures! But guess what? This thrilling game is available on our website all the time, so whenever you feel ready to embark on this chilling adventure, we're here to invite you in! 

Prepare yourself to crack the spine-chilling case titled "Smile Origin." In this hair-raising adventure, you'll dive back in time to unravel the mystery behind Smile, the notorious villain from the Case: Smile Games series. But beware, discovering Smile's origins might lead you down a path filled with even scarier discoveries. Brace yourselves, brave souls, and survive the horrors that await you!

Get ready to navigate through this eerie world! Use the keys WASD to move around, space to jump, and press L-shift to sprint away from danger. When you come across objects, use the left click to interact with them and the right click to drop them. And hey, if the spooks get too intense, press P to pause and take a breather.

Explore the spooky rooms, gather clues that'll help uncover the villain's identity, but watch out! Avoid falling victim to traps or the frightful monsters lurking around. You can run from them, defeat them if you've got the right tools, or even hide. Just make sure to survive the night in one piece! So, gear up, dive into the unknown, and make it through this bone-chilling night! 

Enjoy every spine-tingling moment and brace yourselves for a frightful adventure! Wishing you an absolutely fantastic time filled with loads of fun! And hey, if you're up for even more excitement, why not explore other games that are just as awesome as this one? Share the joy with your friends so they can join in the fun and have an incredible gaming experience just like you! Here's to tons of laughter and unforgettable moments!

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How to play

Use WASD, space, shift, the mouse, and P.

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