Joy Collects Yellow Balls
19 Nov 2015
Play free Joy Collects Yellow Balls - Inside Out Games
When it comes to the Inside Out, everybody knows they are special and fun because if you have seen the animation with this character, it’s clear that you will absolutely adore all the games we have prepared for you and we realy hope you will enjoy them as much as we think you will, and of course this particular game too because Joy is the main character and she is realy happy to play with you. Joy is the most fun emotion of Riley’s, of course, she is always joyful, that’s where her name comes from, but that is pretty clear given the fact she is an emotion. She likes playing and she always sees the good in everything, so she is a perfect gaming buddy. This is a very fun game in which you have to get as far as possible, avoiding obstacles and blue balls and collecting yellow ones. Good luck!
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How to play
Use the LEFT ARROW to move once stept andRIGHT ARROW to move two steps.